Friday, July 13, 2012

a week in sayulita

it occurred to me today that i've been here for a week already.  and i don't really have any plans in the works.  and that seems pretty ok.

my days have fallen into a nice pattern here.  i get up at about 8am and walk across town to yoga at hotelito los sueños (the first hotel i stayed at here).  they have a nice yoga space on the 3rd floor terrace of the hotel under a palapa (i keep forgetting to take a picture, its exactly what you'd think of doing yoga under in mexico).  its usually me and eric, then whoever else is at the hotel.  i'm not sure what type of yoga it is but after about an hour and a half i'm super relaxed and stretchy and ready for the day.  not that sleeping late doesn't super relax me but yoga first thing in the morning is awesome.

my next stop is on the opposite side of the hotel terrace at their coffee bar.  all you can drink for 15 pesos.  and free wifi.  does a morning get better than this?

at about 11:15 i start wandering towards my hotel (bungalows aurinko).  i stop at the smoothie shop for a surfer's brunch (lots of fruits and oatmeal) and chat with the owners, a mexican girl and english guy.

and now its hella hot out and time for some a/c at my place.  i like to hide from about noon to 3, time to work on my spanish, play online, make lunch, whatever.  i bought a spanish copy of 'harry potter and the sorcerer's stone' that i've been copying and translating, as per enrique's instructions.  ok maybe he wouldn't like my choice of book but he thought it very important that i copy spanish text so i can better understand sentence structure and get new words.  its pretty slow going as i have to look up half the words.  then i forget them and have to look them up again the next day.  can't say i've learned much since school ended 3 weeks ago.

3 o'clock is beach time, its still way fucking hotter than i can describe but its starting to become bearable.  i grab a paddleboard from the cute mexican guys by the water and spend about an hour catching some small waves or paddling to the beaches further down.  next is swim time, the water is much clearer here than mazatlan, although its still pretty dark in comparison to waiohai.  the water is also really warm but if i swim out far enough out it gets cool, the trade off being that now its scary dark and i'm far away from the crowd.  i don't think anyone worries about sharks here but i don't want to ask.  this is the ocean, of course there are sharks somewhere nearby.

back to the a/c for a shower, a cocktail (did you know you can buy tequila cocktails in a can?), and a nap.  maybe get some groceries across the street.  and somewhere around sunset i walk around town, see who's out, and find a new place for dinner.  the last stop is at the cake lady's stand, a dangerous thing to have a block from my place.

there are a few things that change my schedule.  if there are waves i'll grab a board and paddle out but its been pretty flat the past few days.  if i see someone fun on the beach then nap time gets replaced with drinking under an umbrella.  and i've spent 2 days on darrin's boat (and yes, the second trip will need a post entirely of its own).  but i can't complain about life here.  i don't think i could find anything to complain about.

pam will be here monday to visit, i'm very excited.  there probably will be alot more wandering around town and drinking.  and maybe a night out in puerto vallarta.  i was gonna say that we're gonna go find some trouble to get into but this is mexico, i'm not sure its possible to get in trouble.

beach service.  what a great thing.

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried the chocoflan from the cake lady! SOOO delicious!
