Tuesday, October 9, 2012

a perfect example...

last nite after monday nite football john gets on his motorcycle to go home.  and yes, he'd been drinking a bit, nothing unusual about that here.

not far down the road he gets caught in a traffic stop.  he smells like booze and his registration is fake.  the cop makes him get off and begins his questions, decides to confiscate john's bike because he'd been drinking.  he looks at the registration and tells john that its fake, of course john argues.  but this isn't the average cop here, he's actually from a bigger city so he recognizes that the address is printed wrong.

so john asks what he can do to get out of the situation.  maybe make a prepayment on the fine?  the cop says maybe that would work.  john asks how much the fine might be, the cop says he doesn't know.

john walks back to town to get money, walks back to his bike, 'shakes hands' with the cop, losing 500 lempira in the process ($25), and even gets some tips on making his fake registration better before he drives home.

roatan business.  no paperwork, no hassle, everyone's happy.  seems to work.

ready to go again

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