what i'm excited about today is spanish lessons. in general they're great, socorro is a wonderful, patient, helpful teacher, and enrique keeps everything fun and likes to teach us 'mexican-isms'.
when i was worried about losing my laundry, i was trying to say that i was afraid, 'tengo miedo' (i have fear). but i got it twisted up a bit and was saying 'tengo mierdo', or, i have shit. which i suppose is a logical reason to need a laundromat. so i've been walking around town telling people that i have shit, i guess. i said it in class this morning and i thought that socorro tiene mierdo, she was laughing so hard.
the first nite i went out with benito and luis i must have said something wrong because they looked at each other and said 'i don't know about him, but i have 2 balls. you too? we have 4 balls'. i think i was trying to ask if it was thursday.
i'm sure i'll have many many more embarrassing mistakes. and, the word similar to embarrass in spanish (embarazada) actually means pregnant. i think i told socorro that i was pregnant after i told her i had shit.
enrique will bring up local sayings or teach us some slang. this is my favorite part of class because usually he mentions things because of mistakes we make and we're laughing so hard we're about to fall off our chairs. when you say its hot, esta haciendo calor, or hace calor. but if you try to say i'm hot, maybe estoy caliente, you're telling everyone that you're horny. hot guys are 'mangos', or 'un taco de ojo' (eye taco?). and we can use 'vomitar' when sick, or better yet, 'saludar al monster', say hello to the monster. i love these.
billy was explaining some slang that all the younger adults/teens use. they greet each other 'hola, buey', and buey is an ox. they figure that the ox is the dumbest animal alive because its the biggest animal, yet it does all the work for a tiny animal (us). it could easily turn around and trample the man and never have to work, but it doesn't, so it must be incredibly stupid. so they started calling each other 'buey', which was shortened further to 'way', which now sorta means 'dude'.
i have absolutely no doubt that i will continue to unintentionally tell people about my bodily functions or parts when i'm innocently discussing the weather but its a great way to get people to talk to you. walk into a bar and announce that i'm horny? i'll have plenty of guys to help practice my spanish and maybe i'll get all my drinks for free too.
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this is what i didn't write about |
Actually quite hilarious! - liza