Saturday, December 28, 2013

wander with melissa

that is the working title for my website for book promotion.  you can find it at

there's not much there yet so be patient.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

My other blog...

If you're wondering about keeping your house on Kauai dry or mold free, this is my other blog...

Rescue Services Blog

or check out the Rescue Services website.

More on my book later!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Book update...

My next travels aren't planned until my first book is finished.  Although the book is a little late I plan on a nice, long trip in about 6 months, possibly planning my second book.  Starting to think about where I'd like to go...

Just to show you that I am actually working and not just lazing at the beach, here's a pic of me writing.  Or, thinking about writing.  Or, looking for whales.  Actually, all of those.

I look like I'm working, and that's the important bit.

And check out my writing facebook page and like it if you haven't.